Purchase an Artist Call

An artist call with our staff of seasoned professional artists is a great way to get customized support that fits your needs as an artist.

Clara banner printmaking monotype

Table of Contents

Customized support is necessary to make progress

There is definitely a limit to how much you can absorb from content online on your own.

At a certain point, it’s important to get feedback and advice that really targets your specific needs and concerns as an artist.

Purchase an artist call, Lauryn Welch
Lauryn Welch

What can I get out of an artist call?

An artist call makes it easy and fast to get advice that is customized to your specific needs and questions.

We all struggle with finding direction, sustaining a lively studio practice, and professional development challenges.

Artist Call with Prof Lieu and Kira Held

An artist call is an opportunity to have a stimulating dialogue with a professional in your field of art. We can provide the motivation, concrete actions to take moving forward, and sense of direction you’ll need to make progress as an artist.

Who are artist calls for?

Artist calls are for artists of all levels of experience: self taught artists, beginners, professionals, degree program candidates, and more.

Join our 2025 Art School Portfolio Group!

Our Art School Portfolio Group provides ongoing support and feedback from our staff of professional artists for students applying or transferring to a BFA, MFA, or post-baccalaureate program.

Group class critique Lauryn

To participate, you’ll need to 1) join our Discord server and 2) pay a one time fee, or pledge monthly on our Patreon.

Artist Call Topics

Our staff covers a broad range of fields in the art world and can provide insight into various industries, techniques, wellness, business, and more.

  • Artist website
  • Filming Shorts
  • Instagram
  • Networking
  • Overall strategies
mfa / bfa programs
  • Artist statements
  • BFA Portfolio Prep
  • MFA Portfolio Prep
  • Mock interview
  • Art Fairs
  • Galleries
  • Online shops
  • Pricing
  • Animation
  • Concept Art
  • Full-time artist
  • Illustration
  • Internships
  • Teaching
  • Networking
  • Framing
  • Group exhibitions
  • How to start
  • Solo exhibitions
Clara Lieu


To complete your purchase, you’ll need to:

  • Pay via the “Pay Now” links.
  • Fill out a form via the “Request Form“ buttons.

Prof Lieu

Clara Lieu

30 min: $300 USD, Pay now

45 min: $350 USD, Pay now

60 min: $400 USD, Pay now

75 min: $450 USD, Pay now

*90 min: $500 USD, Pay now

*2 hours: $600 USD, Pay now

*4 hours: $900 USD, Pay now

*These calls are split into 45 min or 1 hour calls

Teaching Artists

DeeptiJordan, Mia

Jordan McCracken-Foster

30 min: $250 USD, Pay now

45 min: $300 USD, Pay now

60 min: $350 USD, Pay now


Questions? Email Prof Lieu.

Services Discord gif